Urbino Tour Guide

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The synagogue is located at the entrance to a narrow street, near the city walls and is distinguished by an inscription from the mid ‘500 in which the hymn “Eternal God”, written by Rabbi Mordechai… read more Sinagoga

Ducal Palace

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Some of the most important architects of the fifteenth century were called by Federico da Montefeltro to complete the Ducal Palace, including Luciano Laurana and Francesco di Giorgio Martini. To build his Palace, he employed… read more Ducal Palace

Albani Diocesan Museum

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The Diocesan Museum was officially opened in 1964. Named after the Albani family, it was the birthplace of Giovan Francesco Albani (1649-1721), namely Pope Clement XI . The Museum includes objects of various nature and… read more Albani Diocesan Museum

House of Poetry

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The “House of Poetry” is a space dedicated to literature and the presentation of new books and poetry which features an audio archive open to the public. The collection consists of famous personalities reading the… read more House of Poetry


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  The Cathedral is located beside the Ducal Palace. The building was commissioned by Federico da Montefeltro and designed by Francesco di Giorgio Martini. After an earthquake, the entire complex was renovated in1789, in an… read more Duomo