Urbino Tour Guide

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The synagogue is located at the entrance to a narrow street, near the city walls and is distinguished by an inscription from the mid ‘500 in which the hymn “Eternal God”, written by Rabbi Mordechai… read more Sinagoga

House of Poetry

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The “House of Poetry” is a space dedicated to literature and the presentation of new books and poetry which features an audio archive open to the public. The collection consists of famous personalities reading the… read more House of Poetry

Saint John’s Oratory

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Saint John’s Oratory was erected on the remains of an old hospice for pilgrims and ills. It was run by the members of the Confraternity of Saint John and was also related to the presence… read more Saint John’s Oratory

Raphael’s House

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The birthplace of Raphael is found on the steep road that leads from Piazza della Repubblica to Piazzale Roma. The artist was born in this typical Renaissance home on April 6, 1483. Here the young… read more Raphael’s House

Town Hall

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The ancient building, former home of the Montefeltro family, has been the Town Hall of Urbino since 1444. In the front façade there are traces of the primitive structure of 1200 and of the following… read more Town Hall