Urbino Tour Guide

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The synagogue is located at the entrance to a narrow street, near the city walls and is distinguished by an inscription from the mid ‘500 in which the hymn “Eternal God”, written by Rabbi Mordechai… read more Sinagoga


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  The Cathedral is located beside the Ducal Palace. The building was commissioned by Federico da Montefeltro and designed by Francesco di Giorgio Martini. After an earthquake, the entire complex was renovated in1789, in an… read more Duomo

Saint John’s Oratory

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Saint John’s Oratory was erected on the remains of an old hospice for pilgrims and ills. It was run by the members of the Confraternity of Saint John and was also related to the presence… read more Saint John’s Oratory

Monastery of Santa Chiara

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In the narrow street of St. Claire there is the former monastery of Santa Chiara, now headquarter of the High Institute for Art Industries. The architecture of the monastery is thought to be by Francesco… read more Monastery of Santa Chiara

Church of San Domenico

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In the Renaissance Square, in front of the long side of the Ducal Palace, adorned with elegant mullioned windows, lies the church of San Domenico, erected in 1365 in Gothic style. The magnificent Renaissance portal… read more Church of San Domenico